I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finding my Balance!

I decided to see a Life Coach! Again...

I used to see this one lady but she has sort of disappeared. I then learned that someone I used to work with has taken some amazing training and is now a coach! I always admired her! And I felt that she would be a great match to help me find me!

Of course my breaking point was when I finally looked inside and admitted to myself that I needed guidance for clarity! My wise mother said "Take care of yourself and the rest will fall into place". I have not been doing this! I make excuses and blame others. I blame my husband mostly and that is not right! I have to change this! And I will start with me!

My New Years Resolution was to stop complaining about what my husband doesn't do! And I have failed at that until now! I loved how my life coach said that our sessions will not be a husband bashing session! That we are going to work on me! Because that is what I want!

The biggest thing I need to get over is "What we Resists, Persists!" My homework was to journal. I did. I went out and bought myself a pink book because that's all there was and a new pen! I sat in bed and attempted to tap into me and write. How I'm feeling, where I am, where in my body is out of sync. I'm feeling lost, hurt, confused, tired and lonely. I'm in limbo. Of course I know I know but I'm scared. I'm not ready to really communicate and my chest feels like a 1000lbs.

I need to breath and do it! Sit down and talk. I know I want to change the path I am going down and I know how to do it! The big question will be will he follow?

Welcome to my new journey! Will I love myself enough to keep moving forward towards the clarity I am longing for?

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